Sacred Language Flags

Sacred Language Mandala Prayer Flags



The sacred symbols of the Bral Talej Oracle Deck, assembled to create meaningful, and harmonious mandalas of affirmations and prayers, framed by the English translation of the mandala’s message, and printed on brightly colored satin with an all-weather white tie.
The harmonious design and powerful meaning of each mandala attracts and radiates the energy imbued in the symbol’s definition. Placed outside, the breezes blowing through them will fill the wind with their messages, constantly repeating those positive prayers and affirmations on your behalf with every gust.
Or hang them inside and let the blessings they carry amplify the positive energy of the space, surrounding you and your loved ones with it and keeping you centered and aligned.

Additional information

Weight 1.3 oz
open packaging showing some of the cards

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