What is Sacred Language?

Painting by Oberto ‘Falco’ Airaudi, founder of Damanhur

Damanhur's Sacred Language

If archetypes could be written, they would be in Sacred Language.

Sacred Language is an ancient, archetypal language of signs and symbols that is used, as in Sanskrit, to catalyze communication with the Divine Forces. This matrix of all root languages predates Atlantian times before written communications were developed. It is comprised of signs that correspond to concepts, words or phrases; with associated gestures for each that can be not only written and spoken but danced.

Sacred Language is an esoteric language of power, magic and ritual. Its signs, sounds and movements activate direct action, allowing one to move between and beyond logic through total engagement of the senses — both external and internal ones. This language is considered sacred because it acts as a bridge that translates human concepts into divine concepts. Those who use it consciously act both in the physical and the nonphysical worlds. 

Learn this profound Sacred Language.

In Damanhur, Sacred Language is the basis for much of the beautiful works of art that grace the magnificent underground Temples of Humankind, built collaboratively by Damanhurian citizens. It is currently taught via a five-month course at Damanhur.

If you cannot travel to Damanhur, Shama’s Bral Talej Oracle Deck makes it easy to study and apply this language’s wisdom into your life. Over the decades, Shama has cultivated a deep relationship with the Sacred Language and has integrated its symbols — along with original paintings from Oberto “Falco” Airaudi, founder of the Federation of Damanhur — to create this unique oracle deck by harmoniously weaving together the symbols of the Sacred Language with the paintings. 

The Bral Talej Oracle Deck has been translated into English, Italian, German, French and Spanish.

A few of the Sacred Symbols

Harmonize and align your energy with Bral Talej mandalas.

In addition to the oracle deck, Shama has engaged her artistic capacities to create 7 intricate mandalas using the Bral Talej’s sacred symbols. Each mandala is a powerful affirmation tool that can help you address specific issues and empower your intentions. The prayer flags allow all 7 mandalas to be caressed by the wind, thereby bathing the surrounding space with an intended affirmation. 

open packaging showing some of the cards

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