Experience Bral Talej Oracle

Bral Talej uses the power, magic, ritual, sacred symbols and meanings of Damanhur’s Sacred Language — each on a backdrop of Oberto “Falco” Airaudi’s original Selfic paintings — as a divination tool of the highest order. 

Divination at its Divine-est.

In 2004, Shama  awoke from a dream knowing that she had to create a divination deck based on the Federation of Damanhur’s Sacred Language. After sharing her vivid intuition with Damanhur’s founder, Oberto “Falco” Airaudi, he encouraged her to pursue this project and requested that she give him the first printed deck so he could “prepare” it in the Temples of Humankind. 

painting by Oberto “Falco” Airaudi

Diagrams of Divination Spreads

Includes seven layouts
to be used for divination.

Visually Stunning

Each card has beautiful original artwork.

Clear, Straightforward

Easy-to-follow instructions.

Multiple Languages

The booklet is in English, Italian, French, Spanish and German.

Learn to Divinate with Shama

Master your oracle reading techniques with Shama's personal guidance.
Level 1: Beginners
Familiarize yourself with the Bral Talej Oracle Deck and the seven spreads.
Level 2: Intermediate
Engage in semi-professional readings under Shama’s supervision. Get answers to questions, as well as feedback and suggestions. Receive guidance that will take you to a new level of self-confidence as a card reader.
Level 3: Advanced
You will be ready to begin your professional journey as a reader with a high level of familiarity with Bral Talej. Shama will test your understanding. You will receive a signed certificate.

Praise for the BralTalej Oracle Deck

open packaging showing some of the cards

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